Saturday, May 10, 2014

What do rabbits and gourmet cakebites have in common?

They are both things you'll encounter when my hubby plans our family's "night out". First stop was IFA (farm supply store), where the boys got to check out the chicks and rabbits.

Next stop was our favorite gourmet bake shop, The Sweet Tooth Fairy. We each chose our favorite cake bites (my favorite flavors are the Red Velvet Cake and the Lemon).

Final stop was Sportsman's Warehouse, where it just so happened to be Ladies Night. They had all kinds of treats, samples and giveaways. In addition to having these sweet coon hats, Sportsman's Warehouse also carries my favorite GU flavors (chocolate outrage and salted caramel) and Honey Stinger Waffles. Best news is that they are cheaper than the local running stores.
 Slim has such a funny little personality. He did this on his own and had us all laughing.
I'm grateful for this awesome daddy and husband. He is such a hands on dad and I just don't know how I'd raise these busy boys without him.
Today was my first ever 18 mile run! Holy smokes that is a long way to go. I may have even had a  "celebrity" sighting along my way. I'll post all the details tomorrow. This tired mama is starting her Mother's Day celebration early by going to bed!

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