Sunday, May 11, 2014

Doing work up in here

Janae, Heather, Jocelyn and I got dropped off at Vivian Park in Provo Canyon. I was doing a lot of positive self talk on the drive up the canyon, because I kept having thoughts like, "I really don't want to run 18 miles. What was I thinking?" and "What am I getting myself into? This is such a dumb hobby." 
Janae had this saying on the back of her shirt. So funny to me.
Luckily all those thoughts faded away as we started to run down the canyon. We ran the first couple miles all together, and then Jocelyn and I slowed our pace a bit.  
(Pic Source)
The first 13 miles were pretty uneventful and enjoyable. Miles 13-15 were a little more difficult to keep pace since my calf was cramping up on me. I took a GU at mile 6 and another at mile 12. This seemed to work great for me; my stomach and energy levels felt good.

When I started the final 3 miles I just told myself, run a 5k and you're done. No biggie right? Well those last 3 miles were physically and mentally tough. I got back to the car at mile 15.5, so I had to run past the car for 1.25 miles, which was tough mentally. I was really pleased with how I kept my thoughts positive. I even ended up the 18 by visualizing running 8 more, and telling myself I had it in me.

I love the mental aspect of running. I really believe it takes just as much commitment to train your brain to run 26.2 as it does to train your body. 

Oh.. I almost forgot to tell you... around mile 11 I passed The Hungry Runner Girl. I've been following her blog for a long time and it's one of my favorites. I guess I still haven't officially met her since our conversation lasted about 4 seconds as we ran past each other. :) 

Yesterday was a very productive day around these parts. I was able to do my long run, and I came home to the hubby building me a storage loft in our garage. (The gift of storage is what every mother needs for Mother's Day!)

My Mother's Day gift to myself was this yummy 10lb glazed ham. I don't necessarily love ham, but this baby will feed my family many times over. I froze 5 ziplocks bags of it, and will be able to pull it out for quick and easy meals on nights when I'd rather be doing other things than cooking. :)
 We ended the night with a trip to Yogurtland since we had some coupons. Slim was all business.

This is the face of a happy mama.
Do you struggle with storage space in your home?
Our home was built in the 50s and they must have only owned 5 outfits and a pair of shoes, because the closets are tiny.
What are your favorite ice cream/yogurt toppings?

What are your Mother's Day Traditions?

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