Monday, March 17, 2014

Mommy Moment Monday

I have a love hate relationship with all of the trendy hash tags and phrases. I've been seeing everyone post #MCM and #WCW. I'm not one of the "cool kids" so I had to Google search their meaning. #MCM is Man Crush Monday and #WCW is Women Crush Wednesday. In honor of useless hash tags, I've created my own:
Mommy Moment Monday #MMM.
Bam. I here declare Mondays a day where mommies everywhere should take a moment for themselves and then post about it with hash tag #MMM. I'm sure this will be viral in like 48 hours.
Here's my #MMM:

I got back from my run before my boys were awake and was able to spend some time reading, stretching and visualizing my day. Since I live for holidays and traditions, I see green food and watching Darby O'Gill and the Little People in my future. Happy #MMM!

What's your favorite "Mommy moment"?
 It used to be eating bowls of cereal and chocolate, but I'm trying to create new Mommy Moments ;)
What are your St. Patrick's Day traditions?
Leprechaun tricks around the house, watching Darby O'Gill and the Little People, Pinching people

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