Sunday, June 1, 2014


I've been reading Scott Jurek's book, Eat and Run. It's got me revisiting my food ideology. I believe that food can be a powerful medicine for our body as well as a powerful poison. I'm also a hypocrite, because I  believe that if I completely deprive myself of chocolate chip cookies and Life cereal, I will end up on a huge food binge. I'm still working towards a clean eating diet, but I know that I have to apply moderation in my approach. Jurek talks in his book about how his plant based diet is what really helped him perform better as an ultra-marathon runner.
I have proven again and again to myself  that what I put in my mouth in the morning has a huge influence on my emotional state and energy levels throughout the day.

 Oatmeal, chia seeds, flax and plain Greek yogurt is my go to breakfast. I'll add fruit to sweeten it.
I think the biggest shift in my relationship with food and body image, came when I started basing food choices off of this kind of thinking:
 "How will this effect my energy this afternoon?" OR "I'm not going to eat all of this, because I know it will make me moody later." OR "I worked out really hard this week; what does my body need to help recover?"

Instead of fearing food, or fearing being "fat", I try to view food as fuel and as medicine for my body.
Well, there's some of my foodology for you. Hope it wasn't too heavy for a Sunday. :)

 Our local grocery store had "Berry Days" over the weekend. I stocked up on my favorite fruit- raspberries!
 Saturday's run was very slow, but it gave me time to take in the beautiful scenery of Springville's Westside.
 Blurry, early morning selfie.

Do you view food as "the enemy"?

What's your favorite fruit?

What book are you reading right now?

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