It's over. 364 more days until that trixy leprechaun visits our house again. We didn't catch the Leprechaun King this year, but I have a feeling next year will be our year. ;) I love holidays. I love how they give us something to look forward to and how they break up the monotony of life. I have to admit that I didn't love using green milk in my oatmeal. Not so pretty.
The boys were all about the green and ate an entire box of Lucky Charms (Well, they ate all of the marshmallows.)
We had some crazy windy weather around here today. There were a few
times that I scanned the horizon for funnel clouds, because I just knew a
tornado was going to pick our house up. Can you see the garbage just flying through my yard and down the street!? It has not stopped all day.
I'm going to blame the Leprechauns for the crazy weather, the green footprints on every glass surface in my house and for all of the tantrums thrown today.
Do holidays make your kids crazy?
I don't know if it was all the marshmallows or the crazy weather, but my kids were bouncing off the walls all day.
Did the leprechauns cause mischief at your house?
I spent half the day vacuuming up confetti, Lucky Charms cereal and wiping all the "foot prints" off every glass surface in the house.
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