Friday, March 21, 2014

Creating Happy

Today was one of those days when I woke up in a down mood. It's like my mind started spouting all of these negative ideas, and I started questioning myself. I still get nervous when I have these moods, because it gives me flashbacks to the time when I fought depression. I have to do a lot of positive self talk. I tell myself that this feeling will end. Running is like the magic bullet that shoots down negative feelings in their tracks. Only problem is that today is a rest day, so I have to find another method of creating happiness. Today I picked up a friend and got the heck out of the house. We grabbed some lunch and went to the mall.

Just look at these little cuties! Mood has officially been uplifted. :)

 My sweet friend bought me my first Fuze and I may have a new addiction. It was so yummy. 
I wore my favorite red polka dot shirt, because that's what you do on a funky day.
 This guy must be my child, because he also has a favorite outfit and wears it every day it is clean. I use to judge parents who let their kids run around looking homeless. Oh how we eat our judgements when we become parents.
 I couldn't believe how much Slim enjoyed shopping. I had to pry a pair of sunglasses and this newborn sized hat away from him when we left the store.
It's amazing what a change of scenery and a little sunshine will do for your mood. Today turned out to be a good day and I'm looking forward to an awesome weekend!
What are some things you do to turn a "down" day around?

Do you have a favorite article of clothing that you end up wearing all of the time?

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