Thursday, May 8, 2014

I like to cuddle with my laundry

Some days I come home from the gym ready to conquer the world. Today was not one of those days. Today was a cuddle with my laundry on the couch kind of a day. I really did think Tuesday was Thursday all day, so I can't blame myself for running out of steam.
Since I was in the cuddling kind of mood, I spent some extra time snuggling my Cory Boy before Slim woke up. My little early bird.
Every morning the boys just have to wave bye to daddy. It's cute unless he forgets to wave back and then it's tear city around here.
 The other daily ritual lately is watching Dick Van Dyke movies. Every. Single. Day.
How did I never see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as a kid? Deprived child. ;)
 Awkward gym selfie. I have this black skirt that I never wear because I feel a bit silly in it. Today I worked the arms, so I was feeling hulk strong.
 Today's Workout
Upper body, focusing on shoulders

Wall-ups (Hold hand stand position at the end for an extra burn)
Kettlebell snatches (This video made me very nervous for his manhood )

Bicep curls
Tricep extensions

Cable face pulls
Lat pull downs

Hang clean and push press
Bent over rear delt raise

Followed by a 4.5 mile speed workout
1 mile warm-up
1 mile at 5k race pace
1 mile at recovery pace
1 mile at 5k race pace
.5 mile cool down

During my "5k race pace miles", if I start to feel like I can't keep pace, I bump UP the speed. It sounds counter-intuitive doesn't it? I've learned that sometimes just changing my speed and thinking, "the faster I go the quicker I can be done with this mile", really helps.

What's your favorite childhood movie?
Wild Hearts Can't be Broken

What do you think of the workout skirts?

How do you push through your speed workouts? 

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