"Departure from traditional down hill... fun but challenging experience."

This video was a great preview of the race. They had 2 goals in mind. 1- Highlight the city of Alpine 2- Provide a unique and challenging course. I'd say they did both.
Support: There was sufficient support for a smaller race. (Five aid stations and 4 bathrooms along the course) The aid stations offered GU (even the delicious Salted Caramel flavor). The course was well marked, with "race course" signs every couple hundred yards, and "arrow" signs indicating turns. Alpine police drove the course reminding runners to stay on the right side of the road.
Extras: They advertised free race day photos, but I didn't see photographers out. It was drizzling during the race and raining hard at the finish line, so that may be why. The medal was simple and attractive. The race packet was a draw string backpack and included a free haircut coupon, Alpine Half sticker and race shirt. They had the cutest race shirts that weren't covered in a bunch of sponsors' names.
(source- Alpine Half Facebook)
The female pacers had tank tops, but runners had t-shirts.
The female pacers had tank tops, but runners had t-shirts.
An hour before the race started there was a steady rain coming down, but by the start it was only lightly drizzling. The overcast skies and light rain actually made for perfect running conditions. The cooler conditions were appreciated on all of those Alpine hills. :)
Runners: There were about 169 half marathon finishers.
Bottom-line: I would definitely run this race again. I love the fast downhill courses here in Utah, but I appreciated the variety this course had to offer. It really was fun to have all of those challenging hills thrown in throughout the race. Runners were able to enjoy great scenery without having to deal with being bussed to the top of a canyon.
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