When I woke up in South Carolina, I looked out the window and this was my view. Ahhh... look at all that beautiful green.
There is nothing like being in the place where you grew up and around
your family. I've learned everyone is their own kind of crazy. Coming
home and being with my family is so fun because I get to be around the
people in this world that are my flavor of crazy. Here's just some of my crazy family~
Cute cousins!

Mason loved eating the ketchup at Five Guys. He may have eaten a french fry too!
Zoo with the Fergusons
We went on lots of golf cart rides
A couple runs on the country roads~ my favorite
Tender moment with Grandma

Watching Papa cut the grass
Cory picked up a new skill. That thing was so much fun.
Let's make that 2 new skills. Cory is almost 5 and has never written on anything he wasn't suppose to until this trip. He decided to make Grandma's house "pretty" in like 8 different places.
Cory and Slim got to go to their first NBA game in Charlotte, NC. I can't say they loved the game, but they definitely loved the cotton candy.
Check out Mason's technique. He used his forearm to shove the cotton candy into his mouth.
Treadmill run followed by Abs and quick upper body at home
10 Minute Ab workout
Side Plank on the Left- 30 seconds
Side Plank on the Right- 30 seconds
Regular Plank- 1 min
Bicycle crunches- 30 seconds
V-ups - 30 seconds
Repeat 3 times
At home upper body workout
Bicep Curls
Did 3 sets of 15
*I'm not a personal trainer. I made this workout up for myself.
If you don't live in your hometown, do you enjoy going back to visit?
What's your favorite "ball game food"?
I love nachos with jalapenos when ever I go to a game, but that's the only time I want to eat them.
What's the worst thing your kid has ever written on?
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