Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year's Half

My friend Heidi runs this small half marathon every New Years. I always tell her "way to go", but no way in hell fire am I ever running a race in January in Utah. Well...never say never. 

This race was my slowest half ever (2 hours 33 minutes). I've never walked during a race (except my first 2 5ks) and walked numerous times during this one.  I felt pretty weak-sauce the entire time, and something about knowing I wasn't "racing" it made me pretty lazy. We treated this race as a fun run, and I have to admit I wasn't that cold. I loved running with my friend Heidi. We have the best conversations! I may just have to do this one next year too. 

That hill between mile 2 and 5 is where I did most of the walking.

The race provided hand warmers in their race packets and I loved having them for the first 2 miles. This race is more of a big gathering of running friends, and we enjoyed steaming hot chili, rice, french bread, yogurt and bananas at the end. 

Heidi, me and Missy

Yay for snowman medals!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014, You were my favorite!

What a year this has been. I spent some time reading back through some of my posts and reminiscing about goals attained, failures, memories made with friends, lessons learned, mistakes repeated. I always say how much I love Mondays because I appreciate the fresh start they provide. Well, I love the beginning of a fresh year for the same reasons.
As a stay at home, I sometimes have a hard time recognizing my accomplishments.

9 Half Marathons
1 Full Marathon
1 Ultra Ragnar
Hiked all 16 miles of the Narrows in Zion
Survived the first trimester of pregnancy
Was consistent helping Cory with his school work (about 45 min each week day)
Implemented and stuck with a chore chart/reward system for Cory
Served as secretary in my church's Young Women's organization
Took my kids on several memorable vacations (Goblin Valley camping, Rock Hill S.C, Myrtle Beach, Glenwood UT) I consider these trips accomplishments because traveling with kids is dang hard.
Played single mom while Kevin went on his Wyoming elk hunt
Improved upon my patience as a mother (still have a long way to go on this one!)

I'm excited to make 2015 a great year!